
Some Important Facts on Sun that you not know

Friends, today we are talking about Surya. Today we are going to give you interesting information about the Sun. Do not confine it to information because there are some questions that have been asked in many competitive examinations and yes we will keep a series of important questions for you on our YouTube channel, then you will definitely subscribe

  • The Sun is a star.
  • The source of energy in the Sun is nuclear fusion.
  • The total age of the Sun is 10 billion years (the remaining age is 5.5 billion years).
  • The volume of the Sun is 1.3 million times that of the Earth.
  • The mass of the Sun is 33200 more than the mass of the Earth.
  • Sunlight time is 500 seconds on Earth or 8 minutes 19 seconds.
  • Sun temperature (in the center) - 15 million Centigrade.
  • Sun Temperature (on surface) - 6000 Centigrade.
  • Earth receives 1/2 billionth light of the Sun.
  • Sun's energy emission per second - 1026 Joule 
  • The temperature of the Sun is measured by a pyrometer. This device works on Stephen's law. With this device, temperatures above 800 C are measured.
  • Earth is the hottest at 3 o'clock due to the Sun.
  • India sent a satellite named Aditya to get information about the Sun.
  • Sunlight that collides with the earth and returns is called albido.
  • Sometimes black spots seen in the sun are called solar stigma. The temperature of the solar stigma has been measured at 1500 C. They disrupt the communication system on earth. They are formed and worsen every 11 years.
  • The Sun currently fuses about 600 million tons of hydrogen into helium every second, converting 4 million tons of matter into energy every second as result.

Earth's distance from Sun: -
  1. Minimum - 14.98 million km
  2. Maximum: - 15.2 million km

  • Surface temperature of Sun - 5,778 K
  • Surface Area of Sun - 6.09 X1012 km2

We can divide the sun into 6 parts: -

  1.  Core
  2. Radiative Zone 
  3. Convective Zone 
  4. Photosphere
  5. Chromosphere 
  6. Corona
  • The corona part of the Sun is visible only during the solar eclipse, which we call the diamond ring phenomenon.
  • Hydrogen found in the sun is known as promenesis.
  • Waves from the Sun: - X - Wave, Gamma Wave

What is Galactic period?

Galactic Period or year is also known as Cosmic year,is the duration of time required for sun to orbit once around the center of our galaxy(known as Milky way).Sun takes approximately 225-250 million years to complete one round of our galaxy.

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