
Capicity Building to Combat Terrorism


  • Strong Legal Framework to strengthen security forces even at human rights and constitutional values are protected.
  • Terrorism enmeshed in an intricate web of organised crime,illegal financial transfer,trafficking in arm drugs.
  • Geopolitical Situation of India - Vulnerable to terrorism .
  • Sleeper cells,spread of modern communication ,modern weapons technology, tactics.
  • Multi-prolonged action by all organs of government and Society.


Defining is important in order to have special laws for terrorism .Universally acceptable definition is is impossible to arrive at a terrorist for some may be viewed as freedom fighter by others.States may themselves be supporting terrorists.

Depending on the objective of the terror groups,nature of terrorism differs.Terrorist- motivated by different goals, objective.

  • Ethno-Nationalistic Terrorism :- Motivated by ethno-nationalism,separalist aspiration (seperate state or country) E.g., LTTE, Insurgent groups in NE India.
  • Religions Terrorism :- Motivated either in whole or in part by a religions imperative,They consider violence as a divine duty,This terrorism embrace different means of legitionization and justification.
  • Ideology oriented terrorism :- 
Right wing Terrorism:- Seek to maintain conservatives.They may assume racist character too violence against migrants.Religion may play a supportive role to rightist violence.

Left wing Terrorism :- Violence against the ruling Elite by Peasants tribals and labourers. Marx,Mao,Lenin- Provided ideological basis.Revolution to throw away the yoke of exploitation.
  • Narco- Terrorism:- Latin America attack by drug traffickers threatening them against police, politicians etc. Attacks by assassination, kidnapping, bombing etc. Acquired different meaning now. Now using drugs as a means of funding.

Feature of Terrorism :-

Political aims,religions,ideological motives,Violence against non combat targets.

Indian Definition :- Focus on the means of terrorism (TADA - 1997, POTA-2002, ULPA-1967) - Bombs, Explosive Substance,chemical etc..

Means of Terrorism :-

  • Traditional Tactics :- Attackers using Weapons,bombs,IED,Grenades,Landmines etc.. Hostage taking hijacking,suicide attackers,Kidnapping.
  • Environmental Terrorism :- Pre-madicated damage to nature(eco-terrorism is different .It is Protest against environmental distraction). E.g., Kuwait oil wells,Saddam

Weapon of Mass Destruction(WMD) :- Nuclear (N), Biological (B), Chemical(C)
  • Nuclear Weapon :- Simplest form of nuclear weapon are highly enriched uranium can be easily built even by non state actors.Terror groups are acquire them.
  • Biological weapons:-  Advancement in biotechnology .
Bio-terrorism:- Deliberate release of harmful micro-organism to cause illness or death in people,animals,plants.
E.g.., Bacillus Anthracis
  • Chemical weapon :- Like toxic gases etc.
Chemical weapon convention - 1993 Any toxic  Chemical .E.g., nerve agents,sarin,musturd gas etc.

Cyber terrorism

Cyber-terrorism is a criminal act perpetrated by the use of computer and telecommunications capabilities,resulting in violence,destruction,disruption of services to crate fear causing confusion and uncertainty within a given population, with the goal of influencing government or people to conform to a particular political,social or ideological agenda.

Component of cyber terrorism :- 

Computer technology as a facilitator of terrorism used for political propaganda,terrorist recruitment and financing, intra and inter-group communication and coordination,intelligence gathering etc.

Computer technology as a specific component of terrorist weapons or target :- Computer technology based attacks or threats on public utilities and transportation,commercial instis cooperations,individual,political,or ethnic groups,security forces,nation states.

1st Cyber terrorist attack 1998 - Tamil militants Swamped Sri-lankan embassies with email bombs.
1999- kosovo conflict - Russian,serbian,chinese hackers - attacks on NATO databases.
2000- Palestinian Terrorists - attacks on Israeli databases websites

Suicide terrorism :- 
  • 1984- Suicide bombing of US marine barracks in Beirut - 1st attack in recent times.
  • LTTE - from 1987
  • Presi Premadasa - 1993
  • Jihadi terrorists -
  • kashmir form 1991
  • Fidayeen - Sucide terrorists

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